Saturday, August 1, 2009

It has been written! So shall it be done!

I cannot write but that which I feel and so far what I am feeling is that even with all those who cry for this country what great good shall it do if we are to accept Gods words that there shall come a time when ALL nations shall bow to Him. Does this not speak of much greater things to come beyond a one world order? And does this not also shout out that this one world order must come to pass before His return? To discard the prophets is nothing more then foolishness. It has been foretold that these times shall come and who but God could change them, and why would He want to keep things as they are? Did He not say these times would come? Also that there shall be a NEW EARTH and a NEW HEAVEN! And if in saying so, should He then go back on His words? I think not!

He has promised it! And as He has spoken it! So it has been written, and so shall it be done!

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