Saturday, June 27, 2009

I have read extensively and exhaustively the lefts material, and Have come to a pretty favorable conclusion -You are A hater, a grudge is your best friend, and you like to hang on to these types of friends for a very long time. You think much too highly of yourself and not highly enough of others-You're all mixed up inside because you know what is right and what is wrong but you want the right to go away so you can keep doing wrong because it's convenient to you and you love convenience, but the right keeps pushing back and now you begin feelin the guilt that comes with knowing what's right but still wanting to do what's wrong!
You don't want to feel guilt so you push back with more wrong stuff and then when that doesn't work you begin to get angry at which point you begin to take it out on others who haven't done anything to you and so it goes in a continuous circle over and over and over-Right wrong, wrong right, right left, left right, and then the marching orders are given, and these by someone you know is even more wrong then you but you like doing the wrong stuff cause it feels so good even though you know it's wrong because your small little inside wanna do right self is telling you it's wrong only to be pushed back into submission once again cause you are arrogant and have way too much pride going on to admit that you could ever be wrong, so you take a turn to the left where there are a bunch more just like you hanging out on the corner, with nothing much to do but feel angry at everyone else too, because they are really angry at themselves like you are, so you take comfort in their company because they've probably done worse things then you so you don't feel so bad and you become self righteous which is hurtful to others and now you can all be angry and hurtful together each one convincing the other it's ok to be on the side of all that is wrong because what the heck, who wants to do the right thing anymore anyway! So you stay on the left, and after awhile your right turn signal just won't work anymore because you never use it and then you forget how to use it and you keep on turning left until you become so lost that nothings fair it and it just ain't right. You got it, My point exactly! It just ain't right! Cause when everything you know is left, And the ONLY thing you know is left! Nothing will ever be right! You just keep makin those left turns baby! We'll all be cheering for ya even though we know you'll never make, left, RIGHT! Because like it or not The equation is: (LEFT)=U+WRONG

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